Sunday, November 30, 2008
# 20 YouTube
A link to YouTube on the Library website is a great opportunity to showcase programs, talk about issues, or just generally market the Library and its services.
I especially enjoyed this view of Second Life Libraries called "Tour of Information Island" because it's futuristic, and so are libraries.
# 19 Web 2.0 Tools
It seemed very easy to navigate. You must register, the are help guides available for buyer or seller that take you through the process step by step. Like other sites, you have a cart and a checkout.
Etsy also has forums for questions and to report problems. There are also Virtual Labs that have live workshops and online classes. There is Live Chat for members to discuss their successes and products and exchange ideas and a Resources section to help with promotion. It’s kind of like having the support of a large conglomerate but retaining your independence.
A possibility for library use might be through the Live Labs where online classes might be held in the library for interested crafters.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
# 18 Online Productivity--Zoho Writer
Additionally, publishing it to my blog was a breeze. Just click on "publish," type in your username and password, the URL for your blog creator and it's done. It takes you right through the steps. I'm definitely keeping my eye on this.
Published by Zoho Writer
Barbaro by Tom Philbin and Pamela K. Brodowsky
New York: Collins. 2007
I just finished reading a book entitled Barbaro: A Nation's Love Story. It is a biography of the 2006 Kentucky Derby winner, although it was shelved in the animal section. I am a racing fan only because I feel that horses are some of the most beautiful and majestic animals on the face of the earth. How I came to love them so much might have something to do with the fact that I grew up in the shade of Arlington International Racecourse. I watched a lot of races as I was growing up. I guess I couldn't help but to take notice of the media surrounding this new three-year-old who had won all of his five starts right up to the Derby.
However, Barbaro seemed to command everyone's attention. He was lightning fast, extremely good natured, and very intelligent. Just the kind of horse you fall in love with, and that's just what America did. Although not the favorite, he won the Derby by 6 1/2 lengths and further endeared himself to a nation of fans. Many people began to feel that Barbaro could become the first Triple Crown winner in 28 years.
But disaster struck at the Preakness three weeks later when Barbaro badly fractured his right hind leg. It took more than 20 screws and a metal plate to repair the damage. Most horses with such an injury are euthanized right on the track. Owners Roy and Gretchen Jackson could have put him down immediately and collected $25 million in insurance money. Instead they decided to give Barbaro a fighting chance and set themselves up for a rollercoaster ride filled with hope, joy, disappointment, and finally grief. But through it all Barbaro was an excellent patient, keeping America waiting for news of his status each day. His website gathered over 2 million hits, all wishing for his recovery.
The book shows just how people can come together and care for a fellow creature, how veterinary personnel can work with singlemindedness for the good of a great athlete, and how that athlete can become a symbol of courage and determination.
# 10 Image Generator

The Image Generators are definitely fun. I spent hours on them, but I especially liked this one: It was fairly easy to navigate, and you could do lots of things like enlarge, rotate. add text. However, I was unable to make my text stick.
I uploaded the picture of the Lippizaner Stallion taken at the Metro Centre in Rockford. I chose to display it as a Scrapbook page entitle "Learning to Drive." The textbox is supposed to say "Get a Horse!"
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
# 16 About Wikis
A wiki for staff members working on a group project can use a wiki for discussion instead of adding to the mass of emails that might be overlooked. Staff manuals can be quickly and easily revised when new situations arise.
Patrons could utilize a wiki to express what they like or dislike about the library. This could help management and staff to become more sensitive to patrons’ wishes and even bring about changes in policy.
As they say, the uses are limited only by the imagination.
# 15 Perspectives on 2.0
Where does Library 2.0 come in? Many libraries are still in the 1.0 stage—information sources. In order to compete with Web 2.0, the library of the future must utilize Web 2.0. Only in this way can it retain relevance in our information-glutted society. Librarians must take the role of information/technology leaders in order to guide patrons to the information they seek. They need to be teachers of the new technology, not of the Dewey Decimal System.
Libraries must become user friendly by following the examples of such Web 2.0 sources as and Google. Library webpages need to allow patrons to interact with its elements. Access to flickr,, and LibraryThing will help patrons share and learn from each other.
Another way for libraries to stay relevant is to offer reference service 24/7 just like the Web. This can be done through live chat. In addition, the use of YouTube is another way for libraries to make themselves visible in their communities by advertising their offerings: classes, programs, seminars, movies, etc.
Libraries will always exist, but not to store knowledge. Rather they will be information centers where patrons and librarians can interact, share, and create knowledge.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
# 12 Rollyo
#6 My Trading Card

I finally figured out some things about mashups. This was the most fun yet. Tell me what you think about my trading card.
For larger image:
#14 Technorati
I spent quite a few hours on Technorati, but still feel that I only scratched the surface. I registered as a member and tried to “claim” my blog, but it would not accept my password. I guess I’ll have to come back to it. Right now I haven’t any more time to play, but it was fun.